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Tone Your Abs whith this 3 Static Exercises Without muscles moving.

By Jonathan Warner

moving Tone Your Abs whith this 3 Static Exercises Without muscles moving.
Exercises Tone Your Abs whith this 3 Static Exercises Without muscles moving.

  when people decide they want to lose weight, it is usually because they do not like what they see in the mirror. For most of our eyes are drawn right to the mid-section, mainly abdominal. Maybe you have a pair of jeans you want, but when you put them there a little hangover, called muffin top. Sexy, sleek, toned abs is the part of men and women most desired body muscles moving. You get the attention of the opposite sex with good looking abs.

These are all valuable exercises that can help strengthen and tone your abs. However, there are other types of exercises that can help you get a flatter stomach static exercises.

Muscles moving the stomach vacuums:

You are standing or sitting up straight . Breathe deeply and then exhale all the air from your lungs . Suck your stomach and hold it for 20 seconds or more .

Do not bend your back and keep your stomach muscles tight.

A plank muscles moving:

This is a classic exercise like that usually comes at the end of your workout. It stands as if it were a push-up, but the rest of the forearms instead of hands .

Maintaining this position , with your back straight and neck , you get an awesome workout abs working both inside and muscles moving outside .

A variation of this exercise is the side plank is a static exercise . You rely on your forearm and body position on the side. This works the oblique and size.

Muscles moving the third static exercise:

It can be done while lying on the floor with legs straight and raise the floor to a height of about 5 inches.

Hold this position for 30 seconds or more to target the lower abs . Be sure to keep your lower back closely tied to the land muscles moving. This exercise can make your back arch which can be dangerous , so be sure to take care of.

Muscles moving add these three static holds your list of abdominal exercises. Use them with a workout that works your entire body and get you moving to burn fat. Just do not do enough to give you sexy abs. The body works as a complete unit. It is imperative that you work as a whole unit and get the proper nutrition to get a good match looking to ABS muscles moving.

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