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Crossfit certification.

Crossfit certification.

By Jonathan Warner

During the Athlete :

Crossfit certification a one-day course for the Cross Fitter who wants to increase their knowledge and skills of self defense. Take the course provides participants with the skills to implement immediately.

Course instructor :

An intensive two-day program designed for CrossFit Coach 1 (L'S ) level who wants to offer a relevant self defense practice, contemporary and their customers crossfit certification, without deviating from the CrossFit methodology .
Both courses contain completely different program and follow different formats. Additional information for these courses follows.

Crossfit certification COURSE OF ATHLETES

During the athlete CD is a one day course for the CrossFitter who wants to increase their knowledge and skills of self defense.

Cross Fitters train for the unknown and unknowable , but as the elite do not guarantee personal safety crossfit certification. If CrossFit is the study of human movement, CrossFit Defense is the study of human movement in terms of violence , fear and aggression. Athletes are taught skills close quarters and combines fun , dynamic and effective exercises that are very effective for anyone of any age who have to defend themselves.

Crossfit certification coach Tony Bauer has created a system of basic physiological and instinct which is the perfect interface between the protocol CrossFit high intensity and the system of self - defense in human beans . SPEAR Coach Bauer System is the only system personnel - the defense based on the physiological response of the body to a danger that the body wants to do before crossfit certification the training world. This makes SPEAR Easy to learn system .

Crossfit certification crossFit Fortress Defense combines CrossFit athlete with specific motor skills needed for self-defense . The result is a course designed to improve performance and CrossFit teach participants the essential tools to survive a violent ambush . Participants will leave with skills to implement immediately.

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