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crossfit london.

crossfit london.

By Jonathan Warner

crossfit london.

Crossfit central london two weeks ago, the Crossfit community in London , has finally reached a critical mass , which means that the first Crossfit gyms (boxes) in London could come together to lay the foundation for a london or "Battle Box" league. Crossfit London A team led by Hurricane Katrina joined the long days of competition with Crossfit Hackney , evolution, in , S.E. and bold.

Crossfit central london the purpose of these boxes approach is driving the performance of our members through competition, while giving everyone a chance to participate.

Crossfit london in this first competition , there were 3 Woods and a final.


Max GOGH in 5 minutes. Score was the total power ( weight x reps) of both players.


9 min AMA

March 6 swings box jumps (24 "/ 20" ) 9 American BS ( 24/EKG ) crossfit central london

A full member and a second round of another member and one alternate from each round.

Crossfit london WOOD # 3: 5 jet target buying ( each team member ) and 10 rounds of 4 power cleans ( 50/EKG ) 4- SATO ( 50/EKG ) 8 air squats


Team 2 a person works at a time: 3D row 50 thrusters ( 50/EKG ) 50 dominated 50 partner wall ball row 3D

According to team captain Katarina "It was a fantastic day I feel very proud of our athletes , especially because they have stuck to what we emphasize in our box .. movement of Standards and Technical support is wonderful. A big thanks to our judges Tim , Mark and Karina " .

Battles of the future may include all the boxes in bold CrossFit London , Uncross , CrossFit London ( Bertha Green and S.E. ) , the evolution of CrossFit ( Holloway and Kill burn ) MP3 CrossFit CrossFit in South London , CrossFit Central London , north of Thames CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit London and Hackney. And there will be many events and support qualifiers

There are many great ideas floating around , and you'll hear more about this event in the near future .

Crossfit London is the heart of this developmental league and we work closely with our partners in London to develop all aspects of this contest . sharply in 2014.

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